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VIRTA 2022
Tapahtumanjärjestäjä: Amari Kaura
Videontekijä: Leo Kääriäinen
Videon musiikit:
Eea Maria - Free to Fly
Mutaset Kukat - Alkuvoima
Reino Oskari - Poliittinen kannanotto
Slow Rider - Trance-Siberian Xpress (Unreleased)
Amari Kauran ja Anniina Ukkosen yhteistyönä toteutettu virkistävä katsaus mieleen ja tietoisuuteen.
Valokuvaus voi olla tilanne, jossa annamme itselle ja toiselle mahdollisuuden tulla nähdyksi. Mielen juurella tarkoitamme ainutlaatuista henkilökohtaista voimavaraa, joka voi kukoistaa ravitsevassa vuorovaikutuksessa.
Exhibition opening at Gallery Alkuvoima 2022
Project by Amari Kaura and Anniina Ukkonen
Video by Leo Kääriäinen
This contemporary installation combines in a very clear and accessible manner those ethical principles that can be found in ancient nature-oriented traditions, with those governing logical theories that can be observed at the core of any human-created ideology.
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Sculpture at Alkuvoima ry
This documentary is about underlying knowledge and creative process behind artistic participatory collaboration process between artists, researchers, community members and mushrooms. The intention is to explore physical, mental and spiritual aspects of our inner and outer world with the help of creative participation. Intangible manifestations are the process of community- based creative activities, rituals, offerings, and the exploration of the individual consciousness.
Exhibition opening at Gallery Alkuvoima 2022
Exhibiting artists: Henna Paasonen, Sisko Sinilintu, Lisa Holmen, Katariina Aalto, Erika Lehtonen, Anne Kuntsi, Amari Kaura ja Isto Rahkila
Video by Leo Kääriäinen
Amari Kaura introducing and welcoming the artists at Gallery Alkuvoima
Exhibiting artists: Henna Paasonen, Sisko Sinilintu, Lisa Holmen, Katariina Aalto, Erika Lehtonen, Anne Kuntsi, Amari Kaura ja Isto Rahkila
Video by Leo Kääriäinen
Watch how we celebrated the Day of Independece in the year 2021 at our working art collective: music, dancing and meditation and rooted time enjoyed together.
Video by Leo Kääriäinen
Our first community festival at Alkuvoima!
Co-organisers: Annabella Reichert & Amari Kaura
Video by Leo Kääriäinen
Thank you to all artists and participants!
The Livi laBomake project (Women's Voices) started with a bang - singing, dancing, laughter, SoulCollage®, poetry, and painting!
Livi laBomake was a chance for 20 women from all around Swaziland to learn fine arts and poetry for six weeks.
Livi laBomake project was funded by the US Ambassador’s Community Grant on Gender and the work was first exhibited at the Swaziland National Museum.
In the Cheshire Homes project we used Visual Art as a form of emotional and physical therapy at Cheshire Homes for people living with disabilities.
In the Cheshire Homes project I took these photos and made photo collages.
I also got to participate in the activities, and help many of participants with their work.